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Is Help On The Way Yet?! || Side Effects of the Called Creative, The Series

Writer's picture: KhiaraKhiara

Hey Called Creative!

It’s literally been FOREVER!

How you doing? How you been? How’s your mama?

I really do pray you’ve been well, trucking through the new year in good spirits.

You’ve been on my heart and mind for a while since I’ve been out of your inboxes and I’ve been looking forward to the time I’d be released (by the Lord and by my own time constraints) to be able to connect with you again.

Clearly, a release has occurred so YAY for us!

My cousin literally just asked me “So are you ever going to come back or..?”

That’s the same thing I wanted to know.

I quietly bowed out around spring time of last year to focus on a task the Lord put before me and because it’s been successfully completed, I’ll share it with you; briefly, though so that I don’t bore you to death.

I don’t know if you remember but before the duck off, I was yelling at you in these emails and social media posts to get in position so that we don’t miss our windows of opportunity and for some, that would come immediately after hearing whispered instructions from the Lord.

Well, whisper He did indeed. So much so, I had to get super quiet to hear correctly. 

Holy Spirit: whispers “Project management” 

Me: Huh? Did you say radio broadcast? Media production? Event planning? Because that sounds like more my speed

He ignored my protests and whispered it again. I eventually said yes and He for sure led me into unfamiliar (but actually unexpectedly familiar) territory of acquiring my project management certification, which was one of the top three hardest things I’ve set my mind to do in my adult life. 

And passed the exam on my first try.

Between wrapping that up, securing a new position, running a business and serving others around me, time nor creative energy have been my portion to embark on any new or abandoned ventures.

But as the year became new, the Lord began awakening dormant desires He laid on my heart yesteryear, including building this infrastructure that serves and ministers unto pioneering, innovative people like you. The creative floodgates of Heaven suddenly busted wide open and ideas began to saturate me again just like old times. 

The excitement of a new idea sent me into planning mode and as I counted the cost of what the new idea would require, I quickly realized that my tenure of doing things solo has become old and ineffective.

I need help!

With the exception of a quick stint of a few KGP interns back in 2016, I’ve been a lone ranger in planning and executing events and experiences, producing and editing long form videos, managing social media accounts, drafting blog posts, maintaining websites, running a creative production business, and some more in addition to helping other entities and entrepreneurs do the same.

Sound familiar, Called Creative?

As the need became apparent, frustration began to rise as I considered for the first time, all the skillset, giftings, and assistance I’ve joyfully sowed into other infrastructures for years out of obedience. I wondered with the Lord when I would reap that same assistance so that I can execute what He’s burdening me to build.

I curated a Facebook post of the same tune earlier today which garnered a few replies from followers asking how they could be of assistance. Get into it below:

As I thought about how to respond, revelation came quickly on a few things so I’m passing it along to you.

  1. Identify Your Needs

One of the Side Effects of the Called Creative is that we often get a good idea and immediately begin working to bring about its fruition, figuring it out as we go; but the Word advises otherwise.

For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?

Luke 14:28 NASB

Sitting down to properly plan your venture will allow you to see what is required to do it. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve jumped out to do something without not only counting the cost but being realistic enough to see to its securement before moving forward. Be better than me.

  1. Get specific 

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

James 4:3 NKJV

In all my rants unto the Father about how much help I needed, not once have I taken the time to figure out in detail what kind of help I actually need.

Yes, we need help but what kind of help do we need? 

Do you need financial help? Emotional support? Spiritual aid? Strategy partners to bounce ideas and concepts off of? 

Or are you like me and would like all of the above?

I also never asked the Lord, “what do YOU think I need to complete this venture?”. The word “amiss” means improperly, wrongly and/or astray. Since the mandate has been given to us by the Lord, it’s a good idea to check in with Him about the details of His will so that we can ask accordingly and so that He can give exactly what we asked for. 

That’s how this works. Specific prayers and requests aligned with the will of God beget specific needs being met. Requests that are vague and out of His will beget absolutely nothing.

  1. Get Prepared

The Facebook replies of “how can I help?” were a great opportunity to send the potential aides a sponsorship deck or a business plan of my ideas but are they completed yet? No.

All this hooting and hollering about all the help I need and I’m not even prepared to properly ask for it!

The Lord answered me. He said: ‘Write down what I will show to you. Make it very clear on the page where you write it. Then someone can easily read it, and he can tell the message to other people. 

Habakkuk 2:2 EASY

But if we don’t have anything formally prepared of the idea God has shown us, how can anyone read it let alone help us with it?

  1. Close Mouths Don’t Get Fed

During my pouting sesh, Holy Spirit asked me “well, who have you asked to help you?”. 

I came up with a bunch of excuses why I hadn’t done my part and instead decided already that they would say no.

The least we could do is ask. Don’t allow assumptions or pride to keep you from the assistance that could be waiting for you. How can someone know that you need help if you don’t articulate that you do?

  1. Sowing Into Others is Building Experience

In this season, I’ve been relating heavily with Joseph’s life as you could probably recall from our conversation in Prepared to Be Considered: 5 Action Steps and Service, The Set Up for Success. And it’s no different in this circumstance. 

Early on, the Lord showed Joseph that he would be the subject of obeisance. For THIRTEEN years before even a whiff of the will of God materialized, Joseph served, sowed into and assisted others (while enslaved in one way or another). When his moment to reap arrived, all of his experiences serving aided Joseph to operate at the highest level with excellence.

That’s encouraging! None of what we’ve sowed for the glory of God will be wasted. All of it will be used as a sharpened anointing and skillset to serve the Lord in a higher capacity.

  1. Pray That They Remember You

In keeping with the chronicles of Joseph, imagine how he must’ve felt after he asked the Pharoah’s cupbearer to remember and recommend him upon the cupbearer’s return to service only to hear nothing but dungeon crickets for the next two full years! (Genesis 40:23-41:1).

The Bible doesn’t mention it but I believe Joseph, although perhaps disappointed, prayed continuously to the Lord that the cupbearer would remember him. May we do the same.

Pray that those who you have helped in past seasons may remember and recommend you when opportunities arise. While we wait, rejoice in faith for the coming harvest that we will reap from sowing as an obedient son and daughter in past seasons.

But remember, sometimes you may reap from a completely different situation and place than the one you sowed into. 


As your needs seem insurmountable for what you’ve been commissioned to do, know that you’re not alone, Called Creative. That’s why this series exists: to offer language to what seems to be unique experiences of not only being called but being chosen (Matthew 22:14).

In addition to our prayers, let’s put some works behind our faith and execute practical strategies toward our earthly assignments and mandates.

Be reminded of where our help comes from by reading Psalm 121.

Comment below and share your thoughts.



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