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Writer's pictureKhiara

ARISE!! Don't Miss Your Opportunity! || Side Effects of the Called Creative: The Series

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Hey Called Creative!

So I’ve been shouting in your inboxes and on your screens that it’s time to seek the Lord for a couple of weeks now.

And it is! 

It’s time to press in so close to His face that you two are squishing noses. It’s time to climb into His skin, Called Creative!

Today, we’re going to discuss a few particular reasons why that is and if this doesn’t motivate you to get in where you fit in, I just don’t know what to tell ya! 

We’ll be connecting a few dots so hang in there with me; it’ll all make sense in the end.

Let’s go!

The Lord is calling us in closer in this very hour so that we can:

  • See Him (clearly)

  • Step into a new level of righteousness and glory

  • Rightfully receive the blessings that are awaiting us and do so without unnecessary delay

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face. Selah

Psalm 24:3-6

This verse has been ringing in my spirit and it’s SO loaded! But it’s the Word of the Lord for this hour so let’s make it plain together. 

The scripture asks “who may ascend into the hill of the Lord or stand in His holy place?”.

In other words, who’s able to access the presence of God and rightfully act as His trusted representative?

The following verses answer plainly, the person who

  • Has clean hands - pure intentions and a track record of integrity

  • Has a pure heart - a heart not contaminated or burdened with anything that’s not of Him including fear, disappointment, worry, jealousy, pride, bitterness, resentment, etc

  • Has not lifted up his soul to an idol - Remember we discussed last week during Idolatry of Giftedness that anything we revere more than God himself is an idol, i.e. money, our spouses, our gifts, our desires, etc. 

  • Has not sworn deceitfully - isn’t a habitual liar

Continuing to read, we learn that this person not only will be able to access the presence of God and be trusted to stand as His representative here in the earth but also receive both blessing and righteousness from Him.

Now let’s look at the definitions of “ascend”.


  1. to move, climb, or go upward; mount; rise; to gain or succeed to; acquire 

  2. to rise to a higher point, rank, or degree; proceed from an inferior to a superior degree or level

  3. to go toward the source or beginning

So let’s connect the dots, Called Creative!

In order for us to legally and rightfully receive the blessing that He has for us (& not just materialistic rewards, true spiritual blessings which will result in external come-ups), He wants us to come up to where He is; to climb upward, higher than where we currently are.

Even if you don’t meet all the criteria listed in Psalm 24 in your current state, we don’t have to clean our own hands and purify our own hearts; that’s impossible for us anyway. We know that if we confess our sins to the Lord, He is the one that is just and faithful enough to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). 

Hence the pressing invitation to get in His presence.

Because it is in the presence of Our Consuming Fire that our hearts are purified like gold (Proverbs 17:3). And as a result of our purified heart, we are able to see God!

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Matthew 5:8

We need to be able to clearly see (and hear) God!

Without the stained colored glasses of anger obstructing our view of the Almighty One; or the noisy clanging of fear and worry drowning out His quiet voice. All of the hidden (and not so hidden) things in our hearts obstruct, distort and pervert our perspective of the true essence of the Word. 

If a heart is sick with disappointment, rejection and abandonment of an absentee father, that can very well define how one sees the heavenly Father if there is no intentionality to get before the Healer.

It’s time to ascend from where we have been operating. It’s time to go up into the presence of the Lord to see Him and behold His beauty. 

There is new righteousness and glory that awaits at the next level in which we are mounting up to. This walk is a continuous journey. Even as we live holy and set apart, delightful in the eyes of the Lord, there is always growth and new righteousness (and territory) to acquire. We go from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).

The time for new glory is NOW!

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

 Isaiah 60:1

(And if you really want to get your life, read the entire chapter of Isaiah 60 for that is the very season we are embarking on.)

But our new blessings will not come about by happenstance; NO! They will come about by intentionally following timely instructions given by the Lord while we are in His presence. 

Now it happened after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ servant (attendant), saying, 
“Moses My servant is dead; Now therefore arise [to take his place], cross over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel.

Joshua 1:1-2 AMP

The Amplified version explains in a footnote the meaning of the word arise, stating:

The Hebrew verb “arise” is an instruction to get ready to fulfill a command, somewhat similar to the military command “attention.”


  1. to get up from sitting, lying, or kneeling

  2. to awaken; wake up

  3. to move upward; mount; ascend


  1. Military. an erect position with eyes to the front, arms to the sides, and heels together (often used as a command)

The call to ascend isn’t a mere suggestion; it is a command!

If you are familiar with the book of Joshua, then you know that this was the time of ACQUISITION! This was the season that Joshua and the Israelites had to go up and get everything that was already promised to them by God. They weren’t laying around while the promises fell in their lap.

As we just read, the Lord commanded Joshua to ARISE!

So it is with you, Called Creative! Get up! Wake up! Get in holy formation. This is the time of BOLD ACQUISITION!

This is the time to be ready to receive the instructions of the Lord on how to attain what He already has for us.

But how in the world can you clearly discern His voice if you aren’t paying Him any attention? If you’re laying around wallowing in disappointment of past failures? Or too busy worshiping, kneeling down to the idol of your own desires of how things should be? Or distracted by the worries and stresses of your current circumstance?

The Lord gave Joshua MANY instructions during His time of acquisition and by Joshua’s obedience to each and every one, he had good success in every conquest! 

I sense that there are upcoming opportunities of promotion and consideration for you that will be presented soon but will require your preparedness and proper alignment.

The instructions of the Lord to successfully seize these opportunities will be very specific and have a short window of time for action. 

In the presence of the Lord is the posture we are to be in so that we do not miss it nor allow the opportunity to catch us extremely unprepared.

Be affirmed, Called Creative that we cannot and will not miss ANYTHING that is for us as long as we are aligned with the Lord in this hour and submitted to His will.



Have you read Side Effects of the Called Creative?


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